Kako postati milijonar – Zlato iz Afrike

Že vrsto let najbolj drzne in najbolj brutalne spletne prevare izvajajo v državah tretjega sveta, v Afriki. Nigerija, Gana in podobne tehnološko najbolj razvite goljufajo, kradejo in ciganijo radi zlasti naivne in nerazvite Evropejce. Ampak!!!

Kdo ne želi postati milijonar?

Bankir iz Gane ima na voljo 300 kilogramov zlata, katero vrednost ocenjuje na 55 tisoč dolarjev po kili, kar skupaj znese 16 milijonov in pol dolarjev. Izkupiček, ko bi zlato prodali v Dubaju, bi delil s spletnim neznancem na fifty-fiyty. Spletne prevare iz Afrike ne poznajo meja.

Kdor uporablja elektronsko pošto težko reče, da vsaj enkrat ni prejel mamljive, prej zelo bogate ponudbe, kot je tale, da bi postal milijonar. Ker so goljufi zelo inteligentni na tem področju se tudi ponudbe spreminjajo. Današnja, nova, izvirna ponudba o skoraj tretjini tone 24 karatnega zlata prihaja iz afriške države Gana.


Hello dear friend ,

I have contacted you for a reason.

I am Mr. James , Business Development Executive/Auditing Director in the Bank of Ghana .

I have a deal which I want to involve you in .

I assisted a New Zealand Citizen, Name- Ashley Raymond Davison to deposit his Gold&Cash in the Bank of Ghana safekeeping Vault in 2019 .

The Late Ashley Raymond Davison is into Gold trading, he comes to Ghana to buy Gold.

He deposited his Gold, Golds are in bars, quantity is 300 KG and Karat is 24 Karat .

The Gold he deposited with $1,000,000 US dollars in Cash.

I have contacted you so that through a legal process you will take possession of his Gold and the Cash.

The Gold amount is $16,500,000 Million US dollars, price of 1 KG is $55,000 USD, we will sell the Gold in Dubai or in your country.

My Share is 50% and your share is 50% .

You will help me with a family Visa to relocate with my family after this deal . .

Email me back with a reply saying you are intrested for all information you need

Be rest assured that the process of getting the Gold out from the bank Vault will be a legal process , so it is legal and safe .

Please email me your response which indicates your readiness/cooperation in this business you must have to direct to my both private email addresses ( jamesosei59@onmail.com & jamesosei@gmx.com ) . I wait for an urgent reply to my both email addresses in this letter .

Kind Regards

James OSEI


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